miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2019

Dear Sir,

Dear Sir,

I am out sourcing individuals with sound Financial Management abilities to manage a vast capital for an Arab Angel Investor with embattled political situation. These funds can be invested in tranches of 500M or a tranche that is suitable for the portfolio manager.

Our Client is currently seeking means of expanding and relocating our business interest in the following sectors; Manufacturing,Construction, Oil and Gas, Banking, Real Estate, Stock Speculation,Mining, Transportation and Tobacco or any other businesses. If you have a solid background and idea of making good profit in any of the
above mentioned business sectors or any other business in your country, please write me for possible business co-operation.
If you have Financial Management abilities, credible projects in need of funding or existing businesses requiring expansion, we will be pleased to work with you.Be assured this is 100% genuine and risk free.

Do furnish me with the following information for smooth communication and indication of your positive interest:

1 Your Names:
2. Your Address:
3. Your Contact Phone Number:
4. Your Company Name (If Any)

Bill Watson
Douglas, Isle of Man

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