lunes, 27 de julio de 2015
Head of Audit/Accounting Dept.
Audit/Accounting Division
Allied Irish Bank
Good Day,
I am Mr. Dave Falconer, the new Head of Audit/Accounting Department of Allied Irish Bank. I was newly posted here from our Branch in Italy. I write to inform you that I saw a draft bearing your name in one of the closed files in my office for a sum of 6,500,000 (Six Million Five Hundred Thousand British Pounds Sterling) with attached payment instruction from Bank of America branch, to be paid to you.
On further inquiries, I observed that this payment was not made and the fund was transferred into our offshore transit account as unclaimed funds. I mean to say that you have funds here which have been floating in our transit account as unclaimed fund with principal sum of 6,500,000. This payment was made by bank draft with reference serial nr. 315548, Bank Sort code BARCGB22. Barclays Bank plc. UK.
I also found out that after our bank reconciliatory statement for last year ending 2014; your fund stumbled into an accrued interest of 650,000 with a total principal value of 7,150,000. Your total sum in our Offshore Transit Account as at 31st of December, 2014 is 7,150,000 (Seven Million One Hundred and Fifty Thousand British Pounds Sterling) only.
Take note of all these changes as I deemed it fit to let you know that your unclaimed fund is floating in our offshore transit account and to give you little financial breakdown of your account statement.
Finally you cannot have access to the account since you have not officially opened an account with us as the fund is in your name but on transit.
We therefore seek for your urgent response to this notification to enable me direct you on how you will receive this unclaimed fund.Please get back to me on this email address for follow up
Mr. Dave Falconer
Head of Audit/Accounting Dept.
sábado, 25 de julio de 2015
Siamo i fornitori di credito principali e servizi di gestione finanziaria per i clienti di tutto il mondo. In cerca di prestito gentilmente di contattarci via e-mail: suggests that you stop by Promethean Planet
ActivInspire v1.3: The Next Generation
ActivInspire is the next generation teaching and learning software that:
* Combines the functionality of award-winning ActivPrimary and ActivStudio – two interface options support all grade levels
* Seamlessly integrates ActiVote and ActivExpression Learner Response functionality.
* Delivers a single teaching and learning solution for Windows, Mac and Linux
Designed to work across a range of interactive whiteboards, ActivInspire enables any classroom to become an ActivClassroom!
Whats new in ActivInspire V 1.3?
* Self-Paced Learning with ActivExpression
ActivInspire Professional Edition v1.3 supports the creation and execution of Self-Paced Question Sets for use with ActivExpression. With Self-Paced Question Sets, learners receive the text of each question on their ActivExpression devices and respond in their own time. All responses and response times are logged and can be displayed dynamically if desired.
* Local Resource Search by Keyword
With version 1.3, you can now search your resources to quickly find what you need when developing lessons. Index your resources, type in keywords, choose the resource type you'd like to find, and hit the search button! ActivInspire allows you to search for images, backgrounds, flipcharts and much more.
* Import from PDF, Digital Camera, Scanner, Visual Presenter
In addition to several other file types available for import in version 1.3, you now have the ability to import from PDF! (File > Import > PDF) Other options for import include: PowerPoint as Images, PowerPoint as Objects, SMART Notebook File, SMART Gallery Item File, ExamView XML File, IMS QTI XML File, and Resource Packs.You can also insert TWAIN files captured directly by your digital camera, scanner or visual presenter! (Insert > From Scanner/Camera)
* Tool Enhancements
* 'Show Angle' option added to the redesigned compass and protractor
* Protractor properties saved to user profile
* Area Screen Recorder now implemented on Windows and Mac
* Connectors created on top layer at all times
* The Clock 'Count Up' button can be removed, and'Count Down' button relabelled as 'Count Down/Up'.
* The clock 'Count Down/Up' dialog can provide an extra combo-box control to either 'Count Down or Count Up'.
ActivInspire Professional Edition includes everything you've come to expect from ActivStudio & ActivPrimary, plus a whole lot more.
ActivInspire Personal Edition allows teachers, students, parents and others to benefit from the feature-rich environment of ActivInspire, completely free of charge!
You can use ActivInspire even if you have another brand of interactive whiteboard, or you don't have a whiteboard at all.
Take a look -
Hope to see you soon on Promethean Planet!
viernes, 24 de julio de 2015
Donation of $2.500.000 for You!!!.
My name is Howard G. Buffett, A philanthropist the CEO and Chairman of the
Howard G. Buffett Foundation Charitable Foundation, one of the largest private
foundations in theworld. I believe strongly in'giving while living' I had one idea that never
changed in my mind ? that you should use your wealth to help people and i have decided
to secretly give {$2,500,000.00} Two Million Five Hundred Thousand United Dollars,
to randomly selectedindividuals worldwide. On receipt of this email, you should count yourself as
the lucky individual. Your email address was chosen online while searching at
random. Kindly get back to me at your earliest convenience, so I know your email
address is valid.( ) Email me Visit the web page to know more
about me:
or you can google me ( Howard Graham Buffett )
God bless you,
Mr Howard G. Buffett.
lunes, 20 de julio de 2015
senza volontа, ha lasciato dietro la somma di US $ 27,7 milioni nel nostro Istituto finanziario.
Ho urgente chiedo la vostra approvazione, per presentarvi quale parente piщ prossimo. Se questo si adatta il vostro interesse, si prega di inviare il vostro cellulare / telefono, nomi completi, Occupazione e Age
Mr.Kelvin Roberts
viernes, 17 de julio de 2015
🍏App eccellente!
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lunes, 13 de julio de 2015
★ Hai un nuovo messaggio da parte di Diana nella tua Chat di Twoo!
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Hai ricevuto questa notifica perché hai registrato un profilo come Gianni ( su Twoo - Cancellati. Massive Media Match NV, TORINO City centre, Via San Francesco D'Assisi 22, Torino 10121, Italy BE0537240636. | ||||
Your Atm Card
Jeanette O'Neal
Azzera i debiti e ritrova la felicita'
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domingo, 12 de julio de 2015
Iscrizione alla facolta' di Economia
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Facoltà di ECONOMIA Corsi di laurea con stage | |||||
Iscrizioni aperte A.A. 2015/16 La facoltà di Economia dell'Università eCampus ha attivato 4 corsi di laurea online triennali e magistrali senza test di ammissione. È prevista la possibilità di svolgere uno stage post laurea. La facoltà di Economia Nonostante la difficile congiuntura, la facoltà di Economia mantiene alto il numero di occupati fra i suoi laureati, grazie anche ai numerosi sbocchi lavorativi offerti. Corsi di laurea Triennali • Economia e Commercio • Psicoeconomia • Scienze Bancarie e Assicurative Magistrali • Scienze dell'Economia | 5 Facoltà 22 Corsi di laurea 7 Sedi di esame Possibilità di BORSE DI STUDIO per l'A.A. 2015/16 Ideale per chi non può frequentare! La didattica online permette di gestire lo studio in piena autonomia. Per maggiori info CLICCA QUI | ||||
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sábado, 11 de julio de 2015
Re: ho bisogno del vostro fiducia?
> Seng Bank Ltd. chiedo il vostro aiuto nel trasferire la somma di ventiquattro milioni cinquecentomila United State dollaro($ 24,500,000,00). Io sollecito per il vostro aiuto nel realizzare questo
> accordo. Io vi darò maggiori dettagli per quanto riguarda la
> transazione, non appena si Inviate il vostro interesse
jueves, 9 de julio de 2015
Conferma dati d'invio: Tablet android 7"
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Questa comunicazione ti arriva perchè sei iscritto alla Newsletter di, puoi disiscriverti in qualsiasi momento cliccando qui e seguendo la procedura di cancellazione. Il conferimento dei Tuoi dati personali, per le indicate finalità, è una Tua facoltà, ma hai il diritto di opporTi alla prosecuzione del trattamento in qualsiasi momento, provvedendo alla cancellazione dei dati da Te forniti, seguendo le istruzioni indicate nel sito. Sei, inoltre, titolare dei diritti di cui all'art. 7 del Codice della Privacy. Il trattamento si svolge, con l'ausilio di mezzi elettronici, nel rispetto delle modalità che il Codice della Privacy pone a Tua garanzia e, in generale, tutelando i Tuoi diritti